Scoring in Zung Jung Mahjong

For the sake of clarity, we will make a distinction here between categories, series, yaku, and points. A category is a single broad spectrum of hands that share a common feature of patterns.

A series is a more specifically defined grouping of hands in a category. The purpose of a series is to keep a player from scoring multiple similar hands that imply each other: For example, a hand that has two gongs could not score both the yaku Two Gongs and the yaku One Gong since they belong to the same series. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, a yaku is the only yaku in its series.

Yaku are the types of ways your hand can score (In poker, Royal Flush or Two Pairs would both be examples of yaku). Points are how much each yaku adds to the value of your winning hand, which affects your overall score between hands.

Though all of the yaku have official English names created by Alan Kwan, if the yaku is similar to or identical to a yaku used in Japanese Riichi or Hong Kong Old Style mahjong, we will instead use the name most commonly used in the McGill Students' Mahjong Club.


All Chows (5 Points) All Sequences
A hand composed entirely of four runs and a pair.
Concealed Hand (5 Points)
A hand made without any open melds. You may take a discarded tile as your winning tile and still earn this yaku.
All Simples (5 Points) No Terminals
A hand that contains only simple tiles. That is, no 1's, 9's, or honor tiles. 


  • Half Flush (40 Points) Mixed One-Suit
    • A hand composed of only one suit and honor tiles. 
  • Full Flush (80 Points) Pure One-Suit
    • A hand composed entirely of one suit. 
Nine Gates (480 Points)
A concealed hand that contains specifically 1-1-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-9-9 in the same suit, followed by winning with any other tile in that same suit.


Pung of Dragons or Round Wind (10 Points) Value Honor
A triplet/quad of any of the three dragons, or of your seat wind. This is the only yaku that can be scored multiple times: You score 10 points for each triplet/quad you have that qualifies.
  • Little Three Dragons (40 Points) Small Three Dragons
    • Having a triplet/quad of two of the dragons and a pair of the third. Worth a total of 60 points including the 20 points earned by having two triplets/quads of dragons.
  • Big Three Dragons (130 Points)
    • A hand including triplets/quads of all three dragons. Worth a total of 160 points including the 30 points earned by having three triplets/quads of dragons.
  • Little Three Winds (30 Points) Small Three Winds
    • A hand including triplets/quads of two of the four winds, and a pair of a third.
  • Big Three Winds (120 Points)
    • A hand including triplets/quads of three of the four winds.
  • Little Four Winds (320 Points) Small Four Winds
    • A hand including triplets/quads of three of the four winds, and a pair of the fourth.
  • Big Four Winds (400 Points)
    • A hand including triplets/quads of all four winds.
All Honors (320 Points)
A hand made entirely of four triplets/quads and a pair of honor tiles, or of any seven pairs of honor tiles.


All Pungs (30 Points) All Triplets
A hand composed entirely of four triplets/quads and a pair.
  • Two Concealed Pungs (5 Points) Two Concealed Triplets
    • A hand in which two of its triplets/quads are concealed melds. If you declare a win off of another player's discard, and that discard completes the second triplet, your hand cannot score this yaku: You must draw all of the tiles for the two triplets/quads from the wall.
  • Three Concealed Pungs (30 Points) Three Concealed Triplets
    • A hand in which three of its triplets/quads are concealed melds. If you declare a win off of another player's discard, and that discard completes the third triplet, your hand cannot score this yaku: You must draw all of the tiles for the three triplets/quads from the wall. Instead, it would score Two Concealed Pungs.
  • Four Concealed Pungs (125 Points) Four Concealed Triplets
    • A fully concealed hand of four triplets/quads and a pair. You may only win by discard to complete the pair: All four triplets must be entirely self drawn. If you win by discard to complete the last triplet, your hand would instead score Three Concealed Pungs.
  • One Gong (5 Points) One Kong
    • A hand with one quad, whether it is promoted, open, or concealed.
  • Two Gongs (20 Points) Two Kong
    • A hand with two quads, whether they're promoted, open, concealed, or a mix of the three.
  • Three Gongs (120 Points) Three Kong
    • A hand with three quads, whether they're promoted, open, concealed, or a mix of the three.
  • Four Gongs (480 Points) Four Kong
    • A hand made of four quads and a pair.


  • Pure Double Chow (10 Points) Two Identical Sequences
    • A hand with two identical runs in the same suit.
  • Twice Pure Double Chow (60 Points) Two Identical Sequences Twice
    • A hand with two identical runs, and another separate two identical runs (This does not mean that you have four identical runs, just that you must have two separate 'pairs' of runs).
  • Pure Triple Chow (120 Points) Three Identical Sequences
    • A hand with three identical runs in the same suit.
  • Pure Quadruple Chow (480 Points) Four Identical Sequences
    • A hand with four identical runs in the same suit.


Three Colors, One Chow (35 Points) Three Similar Sequences
A hand with an identical run in all three suits. For example, a 3-4-5 in dots, a 3-4-5 in bamboo, and a 3-4-5 in characters.
  • Little Three Colors, One Pung (30 Points) Small Three Similar Sequences
    • A hand with an identical triplet in two suits, and a pair of that number in the third suit. For example, a 7-7-7 in dots, a 7-7-7 in bamboo, and a 7-7 in characters. One or both of these triplets may be quads instead.
  • Three Colors, One Pung (120 Points) Three Similar Sequences
    • A hand with an identical triplet in all three suits. For example, a 2-2-2 in dots, a 2-2-2 in bamboo, and a 2-2-2 in characters. One or more of these triplets may be quads instead.


Large Straight (40 Points) Nine-Tile Straight
A hand which contains a run of 1-2-3, a run of 4-5-6, and a run of 7-8-9 all in the same suit. 
  • Three Chained Pungs (100 Points) Three Consecutive Triplets
    • A hand with triplets/quads of three consecutive numbers in the same suit. For example, a 7-7-7 in dots, an 8-8-8 in dots, and a 9-9-9 in dots.
  • Four Chained Pungs (200 Points) Four Consecutive Triplets
    • A hand with triplets/quads of four consecutive numbers in the same suit. For example, a 2-2-2 in bamboo, a 3-3-3 in bamboo, a 4-4-4 in bamboo, and a 5-5-5 in bamboo.


  • All With Orphans (40 Points) Mixed Lesser Terminals
    • A hand in which every meld contains an orphan tile, and the pair is of orphan tiles. That is, every run is 1-2-3 or 7-8-9, and all triplets/quads are 1's, 9's, or honor tiles.
  • All With Terminals (50 Points) Pure Lesser Terminals
    • A hand in which every meld contains a terminal tile, and the pair is of terminal tiles. That is, every run is 1-2-3 or 7-8-9, and all triplets/quads are 1's or 9's.
  • All Orphans (100 Points) Mixed Greater Terminals
    •  A hand in which every tile is an orphan tile. That is, a hand where all four triplets/quads and the pair are 1's, 9's, or honor tiles. Alternatively, the hand can be made of any seven pairs of orphan tiles.
  • All Terminals (400 Points) Pure Greater Terminals
    • A hand made entirely of four triplets/quads and a pair of terminal tiles (1's or 9's). Alternatively, the hand can be made of any seven pairs of terminal tiles.


  • Last Tile Draw (10 Points) Final Draw
    • Drawing the very last tile in the wall and using it to win.
  • Last Tile Discard (10 Points) Final Discard
    • Winning with the last discard in the game, made immediately after the live wall runs out of tiles.
Win Off a Gong Replacement (10 Points) Win on Kong
Winning with the replacement tile drawn from a quad. Unlike most styles of mahjong, if the replacement tile is the last tile of the live wall, you also score 10 Points for Last Tile Draw.
Robbing A Gong (10 Points) Robbing a Kong
Winning off of a tile used to made a promoted quad. Scored as a win by discard against the player making the promoted quad.
  • Gift of Heaven (155 Points) Blessing of Heaven
    • The dealer's opening hand is a winning hand. If the dealer makes a concealed quad before drawing his winning tile, this yaku cannot be earned.
  • Gift of Earth (155 Points) Blessing of Earth
    • A player declaring a win off of the dealer's first discard. If any concealed quads are made before the dealer discards, this yaku cannot be earned


Thirteen Orphans (160 Points) Thirteen Terminals
A hand made up of one of every honor tile, one of every terminal tile, and any other copy of any other these tiles. This hand cannot score the All Orphans yaku.
Seven Pairs (30 Points)
A hand composed entirely of any seven pairs. A Seven Pairs hand cannot count any yaku that specifically require runs, triplets, or quads.


If you win with a chicken hand (a hand that has no yaku) in rules that allow it, all three other players pay you 1 point. If you win off of a discard with a hand worth 25 or fewer points, or win any hand by self-pick, all three players pay you the value of your hand.

If you win off of a discarded tile with a hand worth more than 25 points, multiply the value of your hand by three. The two other players who did not discard your winning tile pay you 25 points, and the player who did discard your winning tile pays you the remainder of this amount.

If you discard a tile that you could use to complete your hand, and before getting another chance to draw you declare a win off of another player's discarded tile, it is treated as a self-pick win using the tile that player discarded.

If Player B discards a tile that you could use to complete your hand, and before getting another chance to draw you declare a win off of Player C's discarded tile, it is treated as a win off of a discard from Player B, but using the tile that Player C discarded to complete your hand.

If your hand uses two or more yaku to score more than 320 points, its value is treated as exactly 320 points. If your hand uses one yaku to score more than 320 points, its value is the same of the value of the single most valuable yaku it scores.

The following yaku can be used to score more than 320 points.
  • Big Four Winds (400 Points)
  • All Terminals (400 Points)
  • Nine Gates (480 Points)
  • Four Gongs (480 Points)
  • Pure Quadruple Chow (480 Points)

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